We are almost entirely run by volunteers, and we'd love your help!
Henrico Humane Society does not have a shelter so our animals live in foster homes until permanent, loving homes can be found. Foster parents are the heart of our organization - they make it all possible!
If you are interested in fostering, please complete an online application.
Most volunteer opportunities are at our weekly adoption stand, but there are other ways to help HHS as well.
Please complete an online application and our Volunteer Manager will reach out to discuss how to get involved.
Note: for most positions, a volunteer must be at least 18 years old.
fur credit
Foster Fur Credit is a program where high school students can earn 1 hour of community service credit per day for fostering. Responsibilities include: feeding, exercising, bringing the animal to the adoption stand, and providing lots of TLC.
A parent must complete the application on behalf of their teen to get started.
While most positions require a volunteer be at least 18 years old, there are several ways junior volunteers can help. Click here to learn about activities like making treats for the animals in our care, hosting a donation drive or raising money. Here are some ideas for crafts kids can make to entertain a dog or cat.
Video courtesy of Silver Streak Media